Welcome to Cycore Systems
Cycore Systems is a graphics software company with its headquarters in Uppsala, Sweden. Founded in 2005 by former Cycore employees, the company develops special effects software for the film and video industries such as Cycore Effects and solutions for desktop and web based 2D and 3D visualization. Visit our Products page for more information.

Cycore Systems is working closely with high profile companies such as Adobe Systems.

With its strive to provide artists with the best tools for creating stunning visual effects and the coolest motion graphics, as well as providing the performance to meet deadlines, we are proud to announce that Adobe has chosen to include CycoreFX HD with After Effects CC and CS6. CycoreFX HD is the cornerstone of After Effects CC and CS6 new and updated built-in effects bonanza to further enhance your projects. Adobe After Effects is the industry standard for creating visual effects and motion graphics. Click here for more info.

The standard version of CycoreFX comes bundled with older Adobe® Creative Suite® Production Premium and Adobe® After Effects® versions.